I usually thank the original source for breaking a story, but fuck you Pitchfork. First they said this was a rock song? These guys work in and around the industry? They know musicians? They run a music festival?!
This is about the suckiest suck to ever suck. This guy managed to rhyme the word nigga' with nigga' about 15 fucking times in a row. If, you're offended I used that word, so am I. He insulted my intelligence, that's personnal, race is general.
Listen to Saul Williams, and come back to me, anyone who would defend this song.
And we are reviewing a rap cd this week BTWays. Dalek -Gutter Tactics.
I refuse to offer a link to the youtube of this song based on principle (I'd rather be Rick Rolled), click the post title above to see the original article, and the video from there.
And as for you Waynely, You're a grown ass man, drop the Lil. And I'm not calling you Weezy, grow the fuck up, and stop aiming for the lowest common denominator. If your fans ran out of shit to listen to, they might read a book. Alright, that's a lie, but still, cut the shit.
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