Well, Finally talked to the man himself. John Condron okayed my posting of his performance last week.
I was treated Thursday to another solo performance, laced with his best originals, and quite a few covers. Check the video feeds below and you'll know why this is a guy my gf asks for nights off whenever he's performing. All she wanted was his CD's for her birthday, which he obligingly signed for us.
Here's what I love about John, other than the fact he has yet to kick me out of my favorite Pub: When he performs, I can see the love, passion, energy, and enthusiasm for his craft. Those things I can only write about, he can express in the ways I will never know first hand. Luckily he has been so kind to not only let us get first crack at his new album (tba), but to answer a small Q&A for the site and podcast (will submit and post ASAP).
While I live in a small town in Il. I'm lucky enough to live stumbling distance from my favorite watering hole. Not only do they have a killer selection at reasonable prices, and know how to pour a perfect pint, but somehow they manage to bring in some fun and wonderful acts. I don't get a chance to make many concerts these days, so it's a real treat to make it out and see the likes of Brendan Loughry, Allison Moroni, The Righteous Hillbillies, Lupe Carroll, Deconstructing Jim, Chicago Farmer, etc... That's why it's a pleasure to introduce you all to John, a man who's even more excited and supportive of local music than I. The hallmark I've come to identify him with, is his enthused mantra shouted at the beginning and end of each of his performances, "Support Local Music!". A moniker I've proudly stolen, and incorporated with my podcast page.
These are only 2 flicks, a brief sample of what the guy is capable of. I seen him perform many times, but only once was I treated to Hallelujah, originally Leonard Cohen, but covered a million times since then, and I kid you not when I say I feel he knocks all the others out of the water. I'm not even trying to sound ass kissy either, not like I need to. If you think I'm blowing smoke, check out his cover of Dear Prudence, courtesy of his homepage.
Quite frankly, I don't need to toot anyone's horn. I podcast about music with a couple friends for the fun of it. I started a little blog to give myself the opportunity to talk even more about my favorite subject. We've been dieing to start doing little interviews with local artists, to bring a better insight to to artform we love, and can only critique and stand in awe of. (More to come, as next week I hope to nail down Lupe Carroll, he mentioned working on some demos, and I hope he has an idea when he will finally release an album.)
Without further ado, here is, what I hope is to be the first, of John doing what he does best.
Hopefully the next time we'll get the whole band! I'll have more to come btw, so stay tuned. In fact add my RSS feed so you don't miss a thing!
P.S. Here's links to the original files (right click, save as, etc.) for the Quicktime downloadable version, with "slightly" better audio. It was taken from a camera phone, so don't expect magic!
Also trying to get some fishing in, but have some album reviews to come.
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